Get Involved
Volunteers connect clients to the community by providing a supportive network and community of neighbors cheering them on to move beyond this point in their life.
Help our clients sustain long term success that is maintainable and reliable.
- Form a financial partnership by donating
- Volunteer your time
- Share your useful skills and knowledge
We are trying to end the cycle of incarceration, but we can’t do it alone.
- Make meals for our family program
- Help with child care
- Provide candy for class incentives
Become an advocate and help connect people to community opportunities.
- Become a mentor
- Provide assistance with college applications
- Help write resumes and prepare for interviews
When given the tools needed to succeed, our clients overcome the odds.
- Become an instructor
- Use professional knowledge to teach a skill
- Coach families in need
No matter what you have to give, you can make a difference.
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”
Author – Unknown